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Facebook Lead Generation

One of our specialties! Facebook advertising has been proven to be one of the most effective lead generation strategies out there. This approach allows real estate investors to be reached out by sellers rather than them being the ones reaching out - Making the interaction less invasive and one sided.

Why Hire Our Facebook Lead Generation Service for Real Estate?

Targeted Advertising

Facebook offers advanced tools that allow users to target specific demographics based on location, age, interests, behaviors, and more. We use this to our advantage, and optimize every Ad to attract the type of seller that investors want.

Cost Effectiveness

Facebook ads are often a more cost-effective lead generation strategy compared to more traditional methods. In the long term, real estate investors who use Facebook ads show higher ROIs.

Targeted Advertising

Facebook provides incredible analytic tools to investors, allowing them to track the performance of their ads in real time. Being able to see metrics such as click-through rates and conversion rates allows investors to make changes to their strategy based on real results.

Wide Reach & Engagement

Facebook has around 200 million daily users in the US, which means that investors who decide to target sellers through this platform will have incredible reach.

Retargeting Capabilities

We leverage the behemoth of social media to create profitable campaigns that put you in front of motivated sellers looking to sell and capitalize on your preferred exit strategy. Additionally, we retarget anyone on the internet to turn it into easy motivated inbound conversions.

Effortless Real Estate Lead Generation on Facebook

We manage everything so you can focus on closing deals
✅ Precision Targeting for Ideal Seller Leads

✅ Real-Time Performance Analytics & Adjustments

✅ Maximize ROI with Cost-Effective Ads
✅ Expand Reach with 200M Daily Users

✅ Boost Engagement with Retargeting Campaigns

✅ Focus on Deals, We Handle Ads
What people are saying

0ur Case studies ⚡️

view all case studies

Locking Up 25K+ Deal From Facebook Ads

30 January 2024 ⎯ 13 Min

Generating $245K in Revenue  from a deal through Facebook

15 Novemeber 2023 ⎯ 18 Min

Generate $293K In Profit From Hesel Media Home Owner Leads

14 September 2023 ⎯ 51 Min

🔥Done For YOU Lead Generation

We manage everything, so you can close more deals and focus on what’s most important.

Exclusive Motivated Seller and Cash Buyer Leads

Strategic and Data-driven advertising

Fill and convert your pipeline on autopilot

5x the return of investment on direct mail

100% managed for you

Advanced targeting for more net profit

Schedule A Call 🚀

✅ Done With You Elite Coaching Program

Weekly Coaching & Training — Done With You.

Learn The Ins & Outs Of Our Processes

Weekly Coaching Calls

Dedicated Facebook Group For Support

Learn How To Hire Your Own In-House Team

Schedule A Call 🚀

You should be converting at least ⅓ of the leads that Hesel Media generates for you, and if you are not, that is okay because hesel media team has all the resources to help you get there"

                                 - Jesse Bush

It has been 8 months since he joined us, and he has already generated over $293,000 in profits from the multiple deals he has closed through our ads. This success is the result of excellent teamwork; we run the ads, provide him with resources and systems, offer customer support, and he utilizes his exceptional negotiation skills to seal the deals.


Return on Investment


Profit after 8 Months

📝 Lead Generation

We have real people who help you through your problems 24/7, whether they’re helping you take the first step or the next step.

📝 Remote Latinos VA

A rich community to connect with other bright folks who are making their own way. Exchange ideas, share experiences.

📝 Outbound Marketing

We are proud to have the best team to deliver the highest quality cold calling and SMS marketing.